2022 - 23个奖项
哈特曼乐队奖 ——泰勒·马科维茨基
John Phillip Sousa Award -凯尔·蓬弗里
Louis Armstrong Award -杰登·莎莉
Freshman of the Year – William “Alex” Ward
The mission of the 十大正规彩票平台 器乐 Program is to provide students with opportunities for self-expression, 纪律, 卓越, and life experiences through musical performance, fostering lifelong performers and supporters of quality music.
Our goal is to help our young men become versatile musicians, and we do this through a highly comprehensive curriculum. The 器乐 Program sets the highest standards and provides the students with a progressive four-year, five-step system of musical requirements and evaluation. Each step consists of sequential studies in applied instrumental technique, theory and music history. The members of the Curley 器乐 Program strive, through self-纪律, 努力工作, 和决心, to perform at a professional level.
Instrumental Ensembles
交响乐团 – The 十大正规彩票平台 Symphonic Band is open to all students , 9 - 12年级, 谁吹的风, 黄铜, or percussion instrument. This beginning/ intermediate/advanced level ensemble performs at local, state, and regional festivals and assessments.
爵士乐团 – The 十大正规彩票平台 爵士乐团 is open to all students by invitation only. This group performs intermediate to advanced level repertoire in all styles, 包括摇摆, 拉丁, 恐慌, 和岩石. This group performs frequently off campus at local and regional jazz festivals.
Drumline – The 十大正规彩票平台 Drumline is a marching percussion ensemble 组成 打击乐队. The Curley Drumline performs at on-campus sporting events during the fall season.
Percussion Ensemble – The 十大正规彩票平台 Percussion ensemble meets from November through May and is an ensemble which focuses on reinforcing playing techniques on concert percussion instruments.
爵士乐实验室 – The 十大正规彩票平台 爵士乐实验室 is a training ensemble preparing students with basics in the jazz idiom. This ensemble meets once a week.
Selections from the Instrumental Ensembles Spring 2022 and Christmas 2021 Concerts
点击 在这里 to watch and hear The Percussion Ensemble play “Begin Transmission”
点击 在这里 to watch and hear The Advanced Percussion Ensemble play “Scuttlebutt”
点击 在这里 to watch and hear The 交响乐团 play “John Williams in concert”
点击 在这里 to watch and hear The 爵士乐团 play “Samba Ti Kaye”
点击 在这里 to watch and hear The Percussion Ensemble play “Christmas Presence”
点击 在这里 to watch and hear The 交响乐团 play Swearingen’s “The Many Sounds of Christmas”
点击 在这里 to watch and hear The 爵士乐团 play Moraine’s “Christmas Island”
器乐 Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can my son be in athletics and or clubs as well as participate in the band?
Yes, the many Curley athletes also participate in the Curley performing ensembles.
Q. Does the band take trips?
Yes, every spring the Curley Bands take a trip to perform in a regional music festival. The Curley Bands consistently receive Gold and Superior ratings at these festivals. Past trips have included Boston, Myrtle Beach, Orlando, New York, Chicago, and Nashville.
Q. Is there an audition for the instrumental program? 如果是,什么时候做
Yes, there are instrumental music scholarships available. Auditions for these
scholarships take place in January. Requirements are listed in the 招生 section
The Curley Band Program consistently receives top honors and recognition at these regional music festivals. 除了, students from the Curley Band Program have earned positions in the Maryland All-State Ensembles, National Honor Bands, and many have earned scholarships to the nation’s top music schools.
The Honors/Scholarship Recital is for our advanced music students studying in the Honors 器乐 Pathway. These students perform a representative solo work with piano accompaniment at a recital in May.